

2023 Meeting

2023  MEETING –  October 4 – October 7, 2023
The ADM held their annual meeting from October 4 through October 7 in 2023 in sunny San Diego, California.  The overall theme of the 2023 Annual Meeting was Materials Testing and Performance: Laboratory and Clinical Challenges. Adverse reactions to materials and dental cosmetics, Wear of the materials in the oral environment and Updates about CAD/CAM materials are the topics of interest. The meeting was very successful, well attended, and rewarding for all.

2022 Meeting

2022  MEETING –  September 28 – October 1, 2022
The ADM held their annual meeting from September 28 through October 1 in 2022 in beautiful Athens, Greece.  The event featured world-class speakers focused on “Progress in Dental Materials and Digital Engineering“.  With nearly 300 attendees, over 100 poster abstract submissions, and many sponsors to engage with, the meeting was very successful and rewarding for all.

2021 Meeting

2020 Meeting

  • Though the ADM 2020 meeting in Dublin was canceled this year, a very successful virtual conference and ADM Business Meeting was held in October 2020.  Select presentations from the virtual meeting are now available under the new ADM Recorded Presentations icon on your ADM member page.  Log in to view
  • 2020 ADM Virtual Meeting Announcement

2011 Meeting

Transactions of the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Dental Materials: Transactions of previous annual meetings are available for purchase (US$25 per copy). Requests should be made via either e-mail ([email protected]), fax (1 (858) 272-7687), or by mail to:

The Academy of Dental Materials

4425 Cass St., Suite A
San Diego, CA 92109

Requests should include a check or credit card information.

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