Academy of Dental Materials (ADM), through the support of its members, provides the following Awards:
The Academy of Dental Materials (ADM) sponsors several programs aimed at encouraging students to conduct research in dental materials and hopefully to pursue careers in academics. One of these programs is the George C. Paffenbarger Student Research Award, which has been continuously awarded by the ADM since 1986.
The Academy of Dental Materials (ADM) offers “Marshall Postdoctoral Award” in recognition of excellence in dental biomaterials research. The primary purpose of the award is to encourage and recognize outstanding research performed by individuals in the transitional post-doctoral stage of their careers.
Rafael L. Bowen Early Stage Investigator Collaborative Research Award
The intention of the “Rafael L. Bowen Early Stage Investigator Collaborative Research Award” is to promote excellent science by sponsoring new collaborative research projects or expanding on existing projects in a meaningful way. It is intended that the awarded candidate will spend at least six months at a research facility outside the institution where s/he has obtained his/her PhD degree. The Fellowship will be awarded every two years.
The ADM has initiated an award to honor Dr. Evan Greener in recognition of his contributions to the Academy. The Founder’s Award will be given to an ADM Member who is nominated by one or more fellow ADM Members as exhibiting excellence in dental materials research and in service to the Academy.
The Academy of Dental Materials (ADM) offers a Student Travel Award in recognition of excellence in dental biomaterials research. The primary purpose of the award is to encourage and recognize outstanding research by students currently enrolled in an education program in areas relevant to the mission of the ADM. The financial support from the award should facilitate the presentation of the research, by the student, at the annual meeting of the ADM.
Each year, the Faculty Members of the Academy of Dental Materials, at various Dental Schools around the world, present awards to the most outstanding students or student researchers in the field of Dental Materials.
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