Each year, the Faculty Members of the Academy of Dental Materials, at various Dental Schools around the world, present awards to the most outstanding students or student researchers in the field of Dental Materials.
The award consists of an engraved plaque.

A “Perpetual Plaque” is also available!

The award plaque may be requested by an ADM Faculty Member at any time during the year. If possible, please give six weeks notice in advance of your Award Ceremony so that the plaque may be ordered and shipped in plenty of time. Please note that only ADM Faculty Members can request the Student Awards. Schools should verify current ADM membership of the sponsor in advance and copy the sponsor on the e-mail request or have the sponsor e-mail the request. Limited to one Award per University per year.
ADM Faculty Members – Please send a completed University Student Award application to the ADM Administration office at [email protected] for consideration. Link to Application Form A completed application form is required for all requests
For more information, contact the ADM Administration Office at 858-272-1018 or email at [email protected]
Photographs of the Award Ceremony to post below may be sent to [email protected]
Must the awardee student be a member of the ADM?
No, only the applying faculty member must be a member in good standing of the ADM
Can a student elect themselves to receive the award?
No, only a faculty member who is a member in good standing of the ADM may apply for an award.
Can a student encourage a faculty member to become a member of the ADM to apply for the award?
Yes! A student may encourage their faculty members to become members of the ADM. That faculty member in good standing would then be able to apply for the award, nominating any student they choose.
If there are more than 1 ADM faculty member at a university, can more than 1 award application be submitted?
No, only 1 award per year per university. The faculty members will need to meet to make their decision and submit only 1 application.
Is there a deadline to submit requests for the ADM University Student Award?
No, there is no deadline. Please give six weeks notice in advance of your Award Ceremony so that the plaque may be ordered and shipped in plenty of time.
Must I use the application form?
Yes, all requests must be submitted on a completed application form, which is then forwarded for approval.
Can the award be given to a student who has already graduated?
The student must be currently enrolled in a program to receive the award. The university may choose any currently enrolled student, 1 per year.
Is this award only for undergraduate students or can residents also be nominated?
One award per University is allowed per year. The decision on who to award is up to the individual University, as different programs have their own criteria for excellence.
Is the University Student Award limited to the pre-doc student (DDS program)? May I recommend a graduate student (DDS) from the Advanced Prosthodontics program to receive this award instead?
One award per University is allowed per year. The decision on who to award is up to the individual University, as different programs have their own criteria for excellence.
Is there any charge to the university for the plaque or shipping?
No, there are no costs to the university. All costs are paid by the ADM awards fund as a membership benefit.
Is the ADM University Student Award presented at the ADM annual meeting?
No. The ADM University Student Award is presented and the individual university level at their annual awards ceremony.
Can we apply for plates for the perpetual plaque with past year’s award winners?
Yes! Please let us know the names and years and we will do our best to provide a full history of ADM University Student Awards for your hall of fame.
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