Academy of Dental Materials
Paffenbarger Award
The Academy of Dental Materials (ADM) sponsors several programs aimed at encouraging students to conduct research in dental materials and hopefully to pursue careers in academics. One of these programs is the George C. Paffenbarger Student Research Award, which has been continuously awarded by the ADM since 1986.
Who was George Paffenbarger?
George C Paffenbarger (1902-1985) graduated from Ohio State University in 1924. He was associated with his father in the practice of dentistry in McArthur,Ohio from 1924-25. Following this, he was an extern at the Palama Settlement Dental Clinic, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1925-26; instructor in the College of Dentistry, Ohio State University, 1927-28. George C. Paffenbarger then joined the Research Unit at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, where he worked from 1929 to 1974. Now known as the ADA Foundation’s Paffenbarger Research Center (PRC), it was renamed in his honor in 1985. The high-speed contra-angle handpiece, the panoramic x-ray technique, and composite restorative materials were developed at the National Bureau of Standards while Dr. Paffenbarger was director of the ADA Research Unit. He was an internationally recognized authority on dental materials and a pioneer in the development of specifications and standards for testing materials. He was an author of over 170 publications, developer of specifications for the American Dental Association, lecturer, and teacher. His contributions have revolutionized the concepts, ideas, and practices of dental materials in the military and civilian sectors. He received the IADR Wilmer Souder Distinguished Scientist Award in 1958. He was the first recipient of the ADA’s scientific fellowship and he received honorary D.Sc. degrees from Georgetown University, Ohio State University, and the College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He held both an honorary M.D.Sc. degree (1959) and a D.Sc. degree (1961) from Nihon University (Tokyo), the latter having been awarded at the time he was a visiting professor in dentistry at Nihon University. In 1972, he received the International Miller Prize from the President of Mexico, which is awarded only every five years and established in 1908 by the Federation Dentaire Internationale. Although he retired officially in 1968, he continued to work at the laboratory until 1984.
The ADM Paffenbarger Award
The award was created in 1987 to recognize annually the best paper in the field of Dental Materials. The idea was first muted in 1986 by Lyle Zardiackas, who was the first corporate liaison of the ADM EC and he was very active raising money for the ADM. Zack first brought up the idea of the award and helped with all the planning and knew George Paffenbarger very well. The plaque was designed by Lyle Zardiackas and Grayson W. (Bill) Marshall.
At the 1989 ADM Board meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii, it was decided that the Paffenbarger award would be based either on a Journal or Transactions, and the first winner would be identified by December, 1989. However, in the The ADM Newsletter of the Fall of 1991 it was reported: “In the future, the Paffenbarger Award will be given at the ADM annual meeting on the basis of student presentations. The next award following this procedure was presented to Alaa M. El-Araby in 1993.” This is how things remained until 2007 when the Paffenbarger Award was extended to offer a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. The value of the award has increased substantially over the years and currently stands at:
1st Prize: $1750+ free registration the following year.
2nd Prize: $1250+ free registration the following year.
3rd Prize: $1000+ free registration the following year.
To be eligible for consideration for the Paffenbarger award you must be a student member of the Academy of Dental Materials who does not hold a Ph.D. at the time you apply for the award. You will also be required to attend the Academy of Dental Materials Annual Meeting and give a short presentation of your project. At the time you submit your abstract, you will be required to indicate if you wish to be considered for the Paffenbarger Award. (There will be an award application checkbox) Please note that previous Paffenbarger Award winners are not eligible for this competition.
Awards will be presented at the Awards Ceremony, and include free registration to attend the meeting next year.
2010 1st Prize | Matjaz Golobič | University of Ljubljana | Slovenia |
2010 2nd Prize | Pekka Mehtälä | University of Oulu | Finland |
2010 3rd Prize | Claudine Wulfman | Paris Descartes University | France |
2011 1st Prize | CH Zanchi | Federal University of Pelotas | Brazil |
2011 2nd Prize | LH Silva | University Estadual Paulista | Brazil |
2011 3rd Prize | RS Williamson | University of Mississippi | USA |
2012 1st Prize | DLS Scheffel | UNESP | Brazil |
2012 2nd Prize | VE Salgado | Federal Fluminense University | Brazil |
2012 3rd Prize | AS Oliveira | Federal University of Pelotas | Brazil |
2013 1st Prize | A Ionescu | University Of Milan | Italy |
2013 2nd Prize | JD Padovano | University of Illinois, Chicago | USA |
2013 3rd Prize | A Frasetto | University of Trieste | Italy |
2014 1st Prize | LD Randolph | Université Catholique De Louvain | Belgium |
2014 2nd Prize | A Al-Haddad | University of Manchester | UK |
2014 3rd Prize | R Seseogullari-Dirihan | University of Turku | Finland |
2015 1st Prize | MR Kaizer | Federal University of Pelotas | Brazil |
2015 2nd Prize | M Wendler | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Germany |
2015 3rd Prize | BU Peres | University of British Columbia | Canada |
2015 Commendation | S Jain | University of Mississippi Medical Center | USA |
2016 1st Prize | S Sirovica | University of Aston | UK |
2016 2nd Prize | A Arata | Nuclear and Energy Research Inst. | Brazil |
2016 3rd Prize | S Gali | M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences | India |
2017 1st Prize | B Fronza | Piracicaba Dental School, UNICAMP | Brazil |
2017 2nd Prize | D Soares | Araraquara School of Dentistry, UNESP | Brazil |
2017 3rd Prize | D Oliveira | Piracicaba Dental School, UNICAMP | Brazil |
2018 1st Prize | I Garcia | Federal Department of Conservative Dentistry | Brazil |
2018 2nd Prize | L Mendes Barcelos | Federal University of Uberlândia | Brazil |
2018 3rd Prize | V Mosquim | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
2019 1st Prize | Kangmin Kim | University of Colorado Boulder | United States |
2019 2nd Prize | Humberto Escobedo | University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus | United States |
2019 3rd Prize | Robert Bailey | University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus | United States |
2020 | (No Awards) | ||
2021 1st Prize | Aya Ali | University of Mississippi Medical Center | United States |
2021 2nd Prize | Maria Luísa Leite | Araraquara School of Dentistry, São Paulo State University | Brazil |
2021 3rd Prize | Jiahe (Dylan) He | University of Minnesota, School of Dentistry | United States |
2022 1st Prize | Matheus Kury | University of Campinas | Brazil |
2022 2nd Prize | Eva Maier | Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Germany |
2022 3rd Prize | Zach Gouveia | University of Toronto | Canada |
2023 1st Prize | Caroline Oliveira | University of Michigan | United States |
2023 2nd Prize | Yuqing Lu | Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam | Netherlands |
2023 3rd Prize | Yuval Peled | University of Toronto | Canada |
2024 1st Prize | Po-Chun Tseng | LMU | Germany |
2024 2nd Prize | Ana Carolina Silva | São Paulo State University (UNESP) | Brazil |
2024 3rd Prize | Igor Paulino Mendes Soares | São Paulo State University (UNESP) | Brazil |
Previous award winners
1989 | Akane Akashi | Kyushu University | Japan |
1993 | Alaa M. El-Araby | Alexandria University | Egypt |
1994 | Steven R. Armstrong | University of Iowa | USA |
1995 | Akihisa Urayama | Tokushima University | Japan |
1996 | Andrea Graf | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Germany |
1997 | Hae-Hyoung Lee | Wonkwang University | South Korea |
1998 | Anne Raskin | Université de la Méditerranée, Aix-Marseille II | France |
2000 | Alvaro Della Bona | University of Passo Fundo | Brazil |
2001 | Sylvia Foppiano | University of California San Francisco | USA |
2002 | Reiko Kato | Tokyo Medical and Dental University | Japan |
2003 | Lulwa Al-Turki | University of Illinois at Chicago | USA |
2004 | Andre F Reis | Piracicaba School of Dentistry | Brazil |
2005 | Fernanda Calheiros | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
2006 | Marcelo M Pinto | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
From 2007 | Award extended to include 2nd and 3rd prizes | UNIVERSITY | COUNTRY |
2007 1st Prize | Vinicius Rosa | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
2007 2nd Prize | Cristina Yuri Okada | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
2007 3rd Prize | Hatem El-Damanhoury | Suez Canal University | Egypt |
2008 1st Prize | Paul Hooi | Dublin Dental School and Hospital | Ireland |
2008 2nd Prize | Yu-Chih Chiang | Ludwig-Maximilians-University – Munich | Germany |
2008 3rd Prize | Muhanad Hatamleh | University of Manchester | UK |
2009 1st Prize | Julian Leprince | Université Catholique de Louvain | Belgium |
2009 2nd Prize | Márcia Borba | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
2009 3rd Prize | Renan Belli | Federal University of Santa Catarina | Brazil |
Previous award winners
1989 | Akane Akashi | Kyushu University | Japan |
1993 | Alaa M. El-Araby | Alexandria University | Egypt |
1994 | Steven R. Armstrong | University of Iowa | USA |
1995 | Akihisa Urayama | Tokushima University | Japan |
1996 | Andrea Graf | University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | Germany |
1997 | Hae-Hyoung Lee | Wonkwang University | South Korea |
1998 | Anne Raskin | Université de la Méditerranée, Aix-Marseille II | France |
2000 | Alvaro Della Bona | University of Passo Fundo | Brazil |
2001 | Sylvia Foppiano | University of California San Francisco | USA |
2002 | Reiko Kato | Tokyo Medical and Dental University | Japan |
2003 | Lulwa Al-Turki | University of Illinois at Chicago | USA |
2004 | Andre F Reis | Piracicaba School of Dentistry | Brazil |
2005 | Fernanda Calheiros | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
2006 | Marcelo M Pinto | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
From 2007 | Award extended to include 2nd and 3rd prizes | UNIVERSITY | COUNTRY |
2007 1st Prize | Vinicius Rosa | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
2007 2nd Prize | Cristina Yuri Okada | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
2007 3rd Prize | Hatem El-Damanhoury | Suez Canal University | Egypt |
2008 1st Prize | Paul Hooi | Dublin Dental School and Hospital | Ireland |
2008 2nd Prize | Yu-Chih Chiang | Ludwig-Maximilians-University – Munich | Germany |
2008 3rd Prize | Muhanad Hatamleh | University of Manchester | UK |
2009 1st Prize | Julian Leprince | Université Catholique de Louvain | Belgium |
2009 2nd Prize | Márcia Borba | University of São Paulo | Brazil |
2009 3rd Prize | Renan Belli | Federal University of Santa Catarina | Brazil |
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